Phylogenetic Relationships - 2004 40 taxa morphology

Strict consensus topology of 608 most parsimonious trees (parsimony-informative characters 67, steps 320, Ci 0.36, Ri 0.66) obtained from analysis of morphological characters of adult flies in TNT. Bootstrap values (> 50%) above and Bremer support values below branches. Taxa with asterisks are paraphyletic.

Indications of this analysis:

  • Asilidae is monophyletic
  • Leptogastrinae is a derived taxon within Asilidae and adelphotaxon to (Ommatiinae (Apocleinae Asilinae))
  • the few characters employed here are not yet sufficient to understand evolution of certain morphological traits
  • One of 608 most parsimonious trees (parsimony-informative characters 67, steps 289, Ci 0.41, Ri 0.72) obtained from analysis of morphological characters of adult flies in TNT showing character optimisation. Character number above and state number below squares. Yellow squares = autapomorphy; white squares = homoplasy.